Payment Declined Solution

Generally, the following three situations lead to payment errors.
1) The billing address retained at the financial institution cannot be confirmed.
2) The transaction exceeds the card limit.
3) The card issuer declined the transaction.
Please confirm with the card issuer yourself
If you think there is no problem with your credit card, you can pay through PayPal and add your credit card in PayPal
Please confirm first if you have registered and used PayPal before. If so, here are some solutions to customer feedback: 
‘problem was with paypal it had an old credit card number and wouldn't allow me to use my new one, even when saying I wanted to continue as Guest, without first removing the "expired" one. I've not had this problem before and basically had to reset everything on PayPal so not ENBRICs fault. Just something people like me that don't use PayPal on a regular basis need to be aware of’. 

You can also contact us to [email protected] to ask for help, we will help you solve the problem